Thursday, September 15, 2011

Diary of a Pompous Ass

A dilemma has been brought to my attention. Evidently, there are too many personal pronouns being used in my blog. The personal pronoun "I" is the primary offender.
This poses a question. How does one not use the word "I" when writing in the first person, thereby sounding like a pompous ass? (See what I did there, referring to myself as "one"? Pretty good, right?)
Here are a few ways to avoid said pronoun:
"It is thought that...." There must be a general consensus somewhere that determines what is thought, because this pops up a lot.
"In my humble opinion..." If you have to say "humble", then you are a pompous ass.
Drop the "I". Instead of "I just tripped over the cat.", say "Just tripped over the cat." Damn cat.
Use "you" when describing a process. "When writing in the first person, you should avoid over-use of the word I." Yeah, that works.
So, the moral of the story is: be aware of personal pronouns when writing a blog. It gets annoying for the reader and makes you sound like a pompous ass. Or an arrogant know-it-all. It is thought, in my humble opinion, that you should avoid that. (See what I did there? Awesome, right?)


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